In his ground-breaking book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel Prize-winning economist and author Daniel Kahneman asserts humans think and make choices in two ways: one is fast and intuitive and the other is slow and deliberate.

The theory applies in business too. And with COVID-19 vaccines at least another few months away, leading organizations are taking critical decisions – both fast and slow – to emerge stronger and better.

Fast decisions ensure operations can continue right now, like how to:

  • Support and back-fill sick team members.
  • Pre-empt supply chain gaps.
  • Meet evolving regulatory requirements.
  • Stem financial losses or service debt.

Slow decisions ensure operations can continue in the future, like how to:

  • Reduce risk and impact in future.
  • Stay relevant in a post-COVID society.
  • Adapt and build a sustainable business and brand.

Here’s a how-to for making those slower, more intentional decisions: Click Here (Use your computer; mobile version’s in the works.)